Monday, April 11, 2011

30 More Days

Today in health class, my first hour of the day, our teacher said that there was about 30 more days of school left!! I am so excited!  After the crazy weekend of snow, and rain it is fianlly sunny and warm.  Hopefully the sun will stay because I cannot wait for summer.  School has been great, but I can't wait to be on vacation, especially since I have P.E. this trimester.  P.E is the worst class in the world if you ask me, they always try to work us to death just for fun, ha I would like to see the teacher do the stuff she is making us do.  Oh well, let's hope I can survive the rest of the school year.  This Wednesday we are running the mile again, yipee.  Seminary is great, as usual, especially since I have that class right before lunch, so if i want I can bring a treat in there to eat or hop on over to the pie dump for lunch and not really have to wait in line for my food.  Luckily this trimester I have lunch with my friends, which is always great.  We are always laughing, it is a wonder how we manage to eat.  Then it is to Intermediate Algebra, it's getting better in that class, I am finally getting some of the stuff I thought was hard! I even got the highest score on the last test we took, I am so happy.  That leads me to the class I a m in now, Web Page Design,  it is pretty fun and interesting, plus I usually have a little free time, so it is pretty good.  My next hour is Concert choir, the teacher can be super grumpy and annoying, but I will survive.  We will be going to region tomorrow and  I am excited, we will be great, maybe even go to state.  That is how my day has gone so far, when I get home I will probably just lie around reading, doing homework, or just being lazy.  That is my life.  Anyhoo, I am super excited, just about 30 more school days left!!