Sunday, May 27, 2012


Hey there is a give away over at Chantelle Nicole Designs. She is giving away a $50 dollar gift crf to target and to her own online store, it lasts Gil June 3rd so hurry on over.

Monday, April 11, 2011

30 More Days

Today in health class, my first hour of the day, our teacher said that there was about 30 more days of school left!! I am so excited!  After the crazy weekend of snow, and rain it is fianlly sunny and warm.  Hopefully the sun will stay because I cannot wait for summer.  School has been great, but I can't wait to be on vacation, especially since I have P.E. this trimester.  P.E is the worst class in the world if you ask me, they always try to work us to death just for fun, ha I would like to see the teacher do the stuff she is making us do.  Oh well, let's hope I can survive the rest of the school year.  This Wednesday we are running the mile again, yipee.  Seminary is great, as usual, especially since I have that class right before lunch, so if i want I can bring a treat in there to eat or hop on over to the pie dump for lunch and not really have to wait in line for my food.  Luckily this trimester I have lunch with my friends, which is always great.  We are always laughing, it is a wonder how we manage to eat.  Then it is to Intermediate Algebra, it's getting better in that class, I am finally getting some of the stuff I thought was hard! I even got the highest score on the last test we took, I am so happy.  That leads me to the class I a m in now, Web Page Design,  it is pretty fun and interesting, plus I usually have a little free time, so it is pretty good.  My next hour is Concert choir, the teacher can be super grumpy and annoying, but I will survive.  We will be going to region tomorrow and  I am excited, we will be great, maybe even go to state.  That is how my day has gone so far, when I get home I will probably just lie around reading, doing homework, or just being lazy.  That is my life.  Anyhoo, I am super excited, just about 30 more school days left!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Life

Okay, I decided to keep a blog on my life as a sophomore in high school.  It isn't that exciting, at least not to other people, but when you are living it, it is the best.  Let me tell you a little bit about myself.  My name is Madison Brooke Nelson and I live in the great state of Utah.  Right now I am unemployed and am seeking a job, and if one comes up, the guts to apply.  I am one of the youngest in my grade, so I have not yet turned 16.  I live a pretty normal life, I love to be with my friends and to constantly laugh when I am with them.  Right now we just started off our last trimester of the year!  Though I only have one major hard class i can tell that I will be super busy this last part of the year.  Intermediate algebra takes some getting used to when you start up again after a couple month  break, but that will work out.  Right now I am writing in my fifth period class, Web Page Design, and I decided that I might as well make use out of this blog and use it for something other than an assignment.  I already have another blog, but it is more of a crafty one where I show crafts that I have made, so this one is just for me to talk about what is going on in my life.  I am involved with sports, well a sport, I am not super athletic enough to do more than one.  The sport I play is tennis, and I love it! Finally a sport that I can manage to play without totally killing or injuring my self.  Seriously I am the biggest clutz alive, if there is any possible way to trip and injure myself, I will find it.  It is only a matter of time.  Right now we are between the tennis season, so I am desperately hoping that summer would hurry up and get here.  But the weather has decided to be crazy, so lately it has been snowing, raining, hailing, everything but being sunny.  Why can't the weather make up it's mind!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blog Assignment

Okay, my name is Madison Brooke Nelson and I am in fifth hour web page design.  I am 15 years old, I will be turning 16 soon, I live in Garland.  I have a lot of favorite candy, but the one I love the  most is probably a Reese's.  My dream vacation destination would be either Hawaii, or France because I think that those places would be really fun to visit.